The Ultimate Bachelor Party Ideas: 5 Ways of Making the Event Unforgetable

A bachelor party has become part and parcel of our society. The event may also be referred to as stag party, stag don, stage night (Canada, Ireland, and UK), bull’s party (South Africa), or buck’s party or buck’s night in Australia. The event marks the end of bachelorhood, and the start of the bride groom being a family man and also more responsible. Usually, it is arranged by the best man. However, it is not uncommon for the groom’s brothers, and close friends to also take part in the event. Basically, in order to have the best time out, it is necessary to consider the following bachelor party ideas.

1. Venue

Choosing the right location is crucial. It will not only determine how the event will take place, but will also influence the amount of fun that the groom together with his boys will have. Ideas on choosing location will depend on the type of venue, the complimentary services offered if it is a rented place, the cost, and also accessibility. The event may take place in one of the organizers home where fun providers such as strippers may be invited. Alternatively, the boys may opt for a private club or a casino especially for the night. Other ideas for the venue include outdoor venues such as campsite, or mountain lodge.

2. Groom’s Personal Character

Always remember that this is the groom’s day, and not the boys. It is therefore necessary to carefully analyze and understand what are the tastes and preferences of the husband to be. He should be the centre of attraction. A groom who is naturally conservative or due to religious inclination may find it disturbing to go to a strip club or invite gorgeous ladies over. A more outgoing or groom who loves the wild life may also not be having much fun in a quite home setting that lacks strippers, alcohol, or dare games. The best man should therefore ensure he really has an idea of the groom’s likes and dislikes. 

3. Activities

Bachelor party ideas also take into consideration the type of activities that will take place. Activities that take place during a bachelor night traditionally comprise of beer drinking, hanging out in casinos, or strip joints. Day activities will feature a road trip, fishing trip, camping in the wild, bungee jumping, paintball, go-carting, skiing, white water rafting, canoeing, sky diving, car racing, and much more. Thinking of new and unique ideas always adds new life to the experience. For instance, a mountaineering expedition, nature trek, or any other activity that one has never taken part in, and is most likely not to do so when married.

4. Timing

When planning a bachelor party, timing is very important. Usually, the parties are held a day before the big event. However, though this may suit people who are travelling from far. It has always posed a challenge to the husband to be. Exchanging marriage vows while intoxicated is never such a good idea. The best man and his boys should start planning for the event at least 2 months from the day. The bachelor night should also take place a week or a few days to the matrimonial ceremony. This gives room to the groom to sober up and reflect on his new life.

5. Crowd

The life of a party is always determined by the crowd. There are several ways of coming up with the right crowd. You may select a few friends who are close to the groom, you may also ask family and friends to help coming up with a list of friends. As a way of courtesy, the dad, brother or dad-in-law may be invited to the event during its early stages. Once they are out of the door, the wild night can begin.

The goal of any stag or bachelor party is to say good bye to bachelorhood in a fun way. However, it is also important to ensure that the planning takes place in a responsible and safe manner while exercising due diligence. It is not worth throwing out caution into the wind in the name of partying. For instance, when engaging third parties such as strippers, private clubs, or a catering service as part of bachelor party ideas, it is always important to sign a contract prior to an event. You do not want to be stood up in your final night of bachelorhood, do you?